Sony Teleconverter 1.4 X


Sony Teleconverter 1.4 X

I am about to buy a Sony 100-400 mm SSM 2 zoom lens for use on my Alpha SLA-77. Is the Sony 1.4 X teleconverter compatible with this lens? In particular will the lens work in Auto with this fitted?


in a nut shell, it highlights area's of the image that are hitting focus when you are in manual focus (i think the depth of the highlighting also gives and idea of depth of field too). its good in most cases but sometimes doesnt show up to well, but since i've started to experiment with older film lenses on a M42 screw thread its a god send really.


you can change the highlight colour in the menu system, ive also heard that people when shooting in raw change the creative style to b&w and the focus peeking shows up more. plus then it comes to processing afterwards the raw file still holds the colour information of the image, so with a few adjustments its back to full colour.


i suppose for completeness for anyone in the future reading this, focus peeking feature is on the line up of  A37/57/58/65/77/99 camera's and i think all the NEX camera's too.


Thanks for that: I did not know of it, but now I'll read it up.


I've appreciated your help.