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Bravia KD-49X8005C power up problems

Bravia KD-49X8005C power up problems

I have seen a number of posts detailing a common problem of these units not powering up, even after all suggested and known fixes have been tried and exhausted. I too now find myself in this predicament. Seems there is a broader issue at play here with the set. Has a solution ever been found to why this device seems to die within 3-4years of use? Has Sony considered a recall or fix? Can’t remember what it cost, but think it was c£600. £200 per year doesn’t represent great value for money in my books! Can anyone provide an actual solution to get this fixed, or let me know what recourse, if any, they have received by way of apology, compensation or acknowledgement that there is an actual problem from Sony? Grateful for any input, experience or intervention. Thanks

Not applicable

Hi there,


It might be best to flag this with Sony support here.


Let us know how it goes.


Best wishes,