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Download of apps the Sony browser not good

Download of apps the Sony browser not good

I can’t download apps on my new Sony smart tv as the browser is not safe according to Google how do I load a new recognised browser like int explorer or chrome as it still won’t let me download those HELP




You don’t. The apps available and suitable for these Sony TVs will be found in the Google Play Android TV Store. Any available browsers will be in there.


Generic Android apps, whether really a security risk or not, will have the expectation that they will be operated on a keyboard and/or mouse, or by touch, close to the screen.


They are likely not set up to be operated from several feet away by a TV remote control, as the apps in the Store you can safely access are.


If you can overcome these difficulties, you can likely sideload these apps, but expect a quota of FUD if you try. Only if you know what you are doing, and when it is and isn’t safe to proceed, should you embark on this course of action.

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