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Software update

Software update

Hi I have a Sony KD-75XD9405 TV. When I check the system information page, it says the software version begins PKG5.433 When I check the Sony website, it says the latest version begins PKG5.435 or higher. When I press check for update, it says my system is up to date. Would I be better off going out and buying a USB stick and see if it will update that way? TIA



It ordipends what you mean by ‘better off’ 😛


More likely to be able to install the latest update, certainly.


And if you know of a particular fault you have that this release cures, then better off probably.


But given that every release tends to be two steps forward and one step back, check for feedback from those who have this release that it isn’t going to be two steps forward you don’t care about, and one step back that you do.


The leading edge is the bleeding edge.....

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

I see what you mean, but up to now, I've been quite lucky in that I've never had any problems after an update.I'll see what the update consists of, then decide.Just curious as to why the TV is saying it's up to date, when it clearly is not. Thanks for the reply.