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Sony Bravia x85c Locks to HDR upon loading a game. Everything looks washed out.


Sony Bravia x85c Locks to HDR upon loading a game. Everything looks washed out.



I currently have a pc connected to my Sony Bravia x85c through HDMI and my settings for HDMI in the Action Menu->Picture is 
Picture Mode - Game

Auto Picture Mode - Off

For some reason, in the past week/2 weeks something's gone quirky and whenever I load up a game the Picture Mode auto switches to HDR setting and I can't change it whilst in the game. 


The HDR setting looks terrible, the colour seems to be set to 657, everything is washed out and I can barely make anything out other than a mass blur where all of the colours are blurring into one.

When I exit the game it then reverts back to Game and Off as above. Despite the Auto setting being off, it's automatically changing the Picture mode. How do I stop this?


By all means it may have always auto-switched to HDR since I bought the TV last year and I'd never noticed it so maybe it's not the HDR switch that's gone wrong but some update has messed around with the HDR settings or something.


Does anyone know what's happened?





Not applicable

Hi there


This to me sounds like a graphics setting on your PC.  Start by tracing your steps backwards - have you changed any settings on your PC since this started happening?  Any software/driver updates?


I have found this:


It suggests that its the application/game that controls the setting - have a look at the display settings of the game you are playing.


Have you enabled 'Enhanced HDMI' in the TV settings - try enabling/disabiling that too?

