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Vertical Banding on 4k TV


Vertical Banding on 4k TV

I have a KD-43XD8088 that I bought late last year.  Right from the start I noticed vertical banding on images where one colour is prominent (e.g. a football game, or the sky), but only when panning left and right.  Sony replaced the TV for me but the new one is exactly the same.


Has anyone else had this problem? Sony have told me to update software and change settings, but it didn't make a difference.  They say it's within normal specifications - how can vertical banding be in normal specifications?!  I've viewed other Sony models in the shops and not seen this problem.


It was basically the most expensive 43" model on the market, so its not like I bought the cheap version - I expect a lot more from Sony products and thier customer service.

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Community Team

Hi @Trigger79 and welcome to the community,


Are you able to share a photo of what you are seeing?

