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DSC-WX200 WiFI connects but won't connect to computer


DSC-WX200 WiFI connects but won't connect to computer

My new  Sony DSC-WX200 camera wouldn't send pics to my desktop with wifi.When I try to "Send To Computer" in the camera menu it tries for about 2 minutes then I get the messege... "Connected to the access point. Cannot connect to the computer to be saved". I've followed all the steps in the manual and the PlayMemories Home Help Guide. 


Hi Despite, Sony support, who just said it was my computer settings and never come across the issue I have found the answer finally, in my case it was the antivirus and firewall software. I needed to open ports UDP 1900 and  TCP 2869 in Norton Internet Security,


Network Settings

Smart Firewall

Advanced Settings

General Rules


Then add two rules with settings


to and from computers

set IP address for the connection (look up on router)

Set for Local and remote UDP 1900

set a name for the rule.


Then do the same for TCP 2869


Then I had to reboot the computer. This seemed to do the trick and the wi fi now works with my XP SP3 desktop.


I hope this helps




I have a similar problem with transfering pictures from my Camera to PC (Windows 7). Actually I resolved 2 issues already but can't work out the third one.

1. Installed Playmemories (firewall was restricting it but it's sorted now and downloaded)

2. couldn't import pictures and was receiving this message - 'Connected to the access point. Cannot connect to the computer to be saved'. I changed home internet settings and this message is not appearing anymore and it's showing that my pictures are being transferred

3. Now - the pictures are showing as being transferred but at the end it always shows 0/0 pictures transferred even though I have 5 pictures in the camera.


Would anyone know what a problem is or have experience resovling this?


Many thanks