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RX10m4 WiFi Issue


RX10m4 WiFi Issue

Hello - 


I am trying to set up my RX10m4 to operate correctly with WiFi but I am unable to transfer photos wirelessly to my PC (MacBookPro - MBP) because I get a message on the camera screen telling me that my laptop is not set up as the recipient of the shots.  I can find no way on the camera to set the MBP as the destination.  Any advice would be much appreciated.  The camera's software is up-to-date.


Thank you.


I have the same/similar problem with establishing a WiFi connection for downloading to my PC (Windows 10-64).


Firstly I installed IMAGING EDGE (althought I do not intend to use it - prefering the look of Capture One).


As expected, my PC will 'see' the RX10M4's drive when connected by the original USB lead.  So far so good!

Setting up the WiFi so that the camera will connect with my Router is not a problem.  The PC is connected to the Router by Cat 5 Ethernet cable.


But, when I disconnect the USB cable with a view to using WiFi to transfer my photos, and select 'Network' page 1 'Send to Computer', all I get is a message


Send to Computer

Information of the computer where the data is to be saved is not set to the device.  Connect the computer to the device with an {sic] USB cable and set it.


This may a statement of the b****** obvious, but where can I find how to action the '....and set it' part.


I am finding this very trying, and if I cannot resolve it, will proably end up changing brands.


You may have gathered from the above that I am not a 'techie', but there must be a simple answer ---- but where?


All help greatfully appreciated.





I had problems finding out for myself as well.

I posted a post on the subject.

Let me know if it explains clear enough or else come back and ask again.

Hope you'll get your connection.



Thanks for your response. 

I am still having problems, and am going to have to give it some further thought. 


Many thanks

All the best for the New Year.

