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PS4 competition


PS4 competition



Hello, I entered the PS4 competition, actually won (shock!!).... So I sent off my stuff and I have not heard anything.


I have tried to use the "contact us" form but it keeps crashing out no matter which computer/browser I am using... 

Does anyone have an email address to contact them?


Thanking you in advance xx

286 REPLIES 286

I haven't even got any email reply whatsoever; that's in almost 6 weeks.
Absolutely appalling service Sony.
Not applicable

Hi all


Sony has acknowledged that there is a 'backlog' of PS4 claims.  Unfortunately the current stock of PS4s ear-marked for this competition has been used.  It is estimated that deliveries of PS4s will re-start mid next week.


Just putting you in the picture and hopefully ease you all a little.




Thanks to let us now , hope we goona get those ps4s soon should arrive within 2 weeks from now if they re-start deliveries next week.

A quick update on my progress so far.  Just had the following email from Sony:


Dear Mr Parker

Thank you for contacting Sony support. I would
like to inform you that we have sent your Ps4 on 

You can expect receiving it next within 7-9 business days.



It looks like things are moving along, so hopefully some of you will be getting similar good news soon.





That's probably the same Khalid that was caught out lying to me about shipping mine. He passed on a false message via a colleague, but in front of his managers, that mine had been posted 3 days before it actually had. He also claimed to gave emailed me a tracking number for this non-existent ps4. When asked repeatedly by colleagues he was unable to produce said tracking number, nor a copy of the email he claimed to have sent. 


It might be the same bloke, I'll have to wait and see what happens now anyway.

I did reply with an email asking if there was a tracking number so I could try to be in at the right time.  This was on Friday evening, so probably won't get a reply until Mon/Tues anyway now.


I'll post up about the reply when I get one.


Well as of today my claim has chnge to "non-compliant"  Ive had no contact from Sony or reason why they believe I'm non-compliant.


Really unhappy.:smileyangry:


glad to see sony people in same boat :slight_smile:


I won on 27th of June and sent the papers on 28th by registered post. After 4 weeks type, status was changed to 'Non-Compliant'. But I contract customer support and they suggested send papers again by email. After a weeks time status changed back to 'Compliant'. But its been nearly 2 months now and I am still waiting for any update. Support guys told me that it is still under investigation (even while the status is 'Compliant'!!) they will update me soon but I have not heard anything back yet.


Glad people have revceived it, it gives me some home. Fingers crossed!



i have complint status , acording to sony message they waiting for ps to be deliver and they should start re-send them in middle this week so we will see hope everything will go smooth :slight_smile:

@michaledin thanks for the update. I will keep my fingers crossed :slight_smile: