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The real reason Sony don't fulfill there warranties


The real reason Sony don't fulfill there warranties

The reason Sony don't stand by there warranties is simply because there going broke, in fact they have just two years to turn a 1.8 billion dollar profit. that's 25 times more than they are now!!


How will they do this?

They are shedding there major failures such as PC (already sold), TVs, and mobile departments. So the real reason you wont get a repair, even though its there duty for making there goods out of cheap nasty materials, is very simple they cant afford to.


There expanding there PlayStation and there digital image divisions but if there customer service stays the same no one will trust them, I have put my ps4 up for sale and when I get my 3 phones back from this dishonorable firm I will be trading all for more reliable phones.


Read more about Sony's demise here


I love playstation! That will be the day when it is gone and it will be sad. Kinda like the disappearance of the ataris, but worse.


I used to think it would be sad but having had to deal with there poor customer service I am now glad and hope it comes quickly and painfully, I have been a loyal Sony customer have put up with my account been hacked with nothing more than we are sorry when I phonede them.


This is now the worst company in the world and there warranties are as good as there advertising, its all lies!!