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Well that was a nice surprise

Well that was a nice surprise

I have an Xperia T and honestly thought they wen't updating it any further.


Recently it had become very sluggish and started to do random annoying things, but to my surprise there was an update for it that came out the other day, 4.3 that it.


So far it seems to have made my phone a lot quicker, I've noticed less problems, and there have been a few updates that I've noticed which have been a welcomed addition.


One of them is to customise the quick settings, so now I can actually have NFC as a quick toggle on/off.


Also, there are loads more options to choose from when in the camera mode.


I'm sure there are other things I have yet to discover, but so far it's been a positive experience. :slight_smile:

Not applicable

Its always nice when something un-expected happens of which is a positive.