BBC Iplayer and Demand 5 apps


BBC Iplayer and Demand 5 apps

The BBC iplayer and Demand 5 apps have totally disappeared from my tv i have tried refreshing the internet content and a factory reset and they are still not there. If anyone could help how to restore them it would be asppreciated.


Hi there, Same issue with the KDL42W705B. Very irritating. TV did say it needed an update on Wednesday (but is currently up to date). Tried refreshing network settings to no avail. Hoping it gets resolved soon. 

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Me too...




We noticed iplayer vanished last night, gutted!

Device = TV

Model = KDL-32W705B

Year = 2014


Not applicable

Thank you all for the information - I have passed this on. 


To be honest with everyone, it is unlikely to be resolved tonight.


It's absolutely rubbish whenever you watch things on an app for long periods it freezes your apps disappear and you have to setup your connection again and refresh it. There is nothing wrong with the connection as it is a wired connection and the speed and now I've sat down to watch demand 5 and it's not there as well as I player and all the other main apps

I have 46w905a and 55w8 

im regretting not going for a samsung now as they had much more apps and features.


I can advise you all on a quick fix for I player and how to access it, if you go to watch tv (I'm doing it with free view)  press the channel up button on the remote a list of channels will open and if you press the right button it should be the fourth one down with iplayer programmes lister and BBC iplayer written at the top choose any programme and iplayer shall open. Unfortunately no quick fix for demand 5 

Not applicable

Hi Manny01


I know its frustrating at times - but as you can see from the many responses here, there is an issue.  I guess the "nightmare" weekend for Sony has not ended :slight_smile:


The problem with technologoy is that there are so many potential fault points.  Take Smart TVs for example - the problem could lie with any of the following:

  • Your TV
  • Connection from TV to Router
  • Your Router
  • Your home phone line (for internet)
  • BT or Cable problem
  • ISP problem
  • Sony Server Problem
  • BBC problem
  • Connection between Sony and ISP
  • Connection between BBC and ISP
  • And various other routing/caching CDN issues

Samsung also has its fair share of problems.



Not applicable

Kudos for the tip Manny01


Also the iPlayer is available on the BBC Connected Red Button Service via a BBC channel - which I would have posted before hand, if I remembered about that service :grin:

I cant access my model number but have lost Amazon I V and iPlayer for sure somewhere between Saturday and today, possibly other Apps too. Beyond irritating on a cold wet day when all we wanted to do was watch a movie.


40" Bravia, 2012 model. 


And, for the record, this website is SO SLOW!!!!!! Is that because everyone is complaining today?!


Just wanted to report I'm having the same issues, all the main UK channel apps have gone. I did however find out that iPlayer is accessible via the "Discover" button on my remote. Just press that, then navigate down until you get iPlayer. The app doesn't show up anywhere off the "Home" screen though.


Model: KDL42W8