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Can the Sony Bravia W series play Netflix streams @ 5800kpbs?


Can the Sony Bravia W series play Netflix streams @ 5800kpbs?

Not a huge deal but I was looking at the test stream recently and noticed that my Sony Bravia W series maxes out 4300kbps but my Samsung BD player and my Chromecasts all max out at 5800kbps. All devices are on wireless. Has anyone else noticed this? I did a google search and did find a few posts from 2014 mentioning this.


You can test and view your bitrate here

There are different 1080p streams 4300kbps is Full HD and 5800kbps is the Super HD

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Hi there


I never did get a resolution answer in another thread awhile ago.  I still think contacting Netflix is the best way to get an answer, but as this has been asked again, i would conclude the higher bitrate of SuperHD is not supported.


See other thread:


If you do get a definate answer, care to post back?




Thanks for the reply. I'm guessing it is a limitation so. I wonder is it just the W series or are other models affected? I contacted Netflix support, waiting to hear back.