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KDL-40W605B Can't see BT broadband hub


KDL-40W605B Can't see BT broadband hub

We have a new broadband hub which is working fine with laptop and iPad. The TV can't see it though.  I have tried several different Ethernet leads, used diagnostics on the TV (which says there is no hub/modem present), and asked BT who say that their hub is working fine. Anyone else had this? 

Not applicable

Hi there


I am assuming that everything was working fine before the new BT Router was installed?  If so, connect an ethernet cable to the TV from the router and run the network setup again.



  • Press the HOME button, then select [Settings].

  • Select [Network] → [Network Set-up] → [Set up network connection] → [Easy].

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the set-up.

  • After completing the set-up, select [Refresh Internet Content].


If that still fails, instead of using the 'Easy' setup option, choose 'Manual' (might be called Expert, im not 100% sure on what its called) and set the TV using a static IP address. Use Googles DNS Servers of : and


I remember also reading somewhere that someone disabled IPV6 on their router and it helped.





Thank you for that advice. Retry of easy setup failed as before.
Then I tried manual setup using network details found in my router's admin. I didn't see an option during setup to set the Google DNS server values that you mentioned. The connection failed again. "Cable Connection: Failed. Local Access: Failed. Internet Access: Failed".
IPV6 was already disabled.