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Sony KDL-32W705B - Constant LAN Disconnections


Sony KDL-32W705B - Constant LAN Disconnections



Just bought a KDL-32W705B , really having problems with the LAN connection which I hope anyone can help with.


The TV reports that the TV is connected to the internet and home network ok but at inconsistant intervals it will drop the network connection displaying a message "The TV is not connected to the network". On clearing the message the LAN symbol in the top right corner will display an X then reconnects. This happens in a constant loop therefore trying to watch any streamed content from my My Book Live Duo, iPlayer and YouTube is impossible.


The TV is plugged into a 5 port Linksys switch which then runs to a BT Home Hub 3.


I've tried the following witthout success:


DHCP/Static IP addresses.

Factory reset of TV

1GB/100 sockets


The tv firmware is up to date so I'm completely stumped.


Just to add, a PC, Humax STB and Playstation 3 is connected to the same switch, these devices remain connected without any issue.


Any help appreciated.


Thanks, Owen

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Hi all


Just to re-iterate, I have passed this thread on as an escalation for further investigation. 


However as Catmambo said above, it is concieveable that another connected device is "kicking" the TV off the network. 


To troubleshoot this, try disconnecting everything OFF the network, and only have the TV on, play things like YouTube, iPlayer, 5OD etc etc and see how that goes.  If things apear fine, slowly add another device (such as the DLNA server) that you are using to stream over your network.  Again, if things appear to be ok - and another one. 


Also try using fixed IP addresses - removing the possibility of DHCP issues.


Good Luck


I am using a fixed IP address and a LAN cable. Still get dropouts.


Problem always is that I have to wait ages for the droputs (like 1h30) and then, it either drops out or doesn't. 

I have tried Twonky on my Nexus via wifi and that works fine (I am streaming from a WD MYCloud)

Hurrah, new software download PKG2.134EUA appears to have solved my LAN disconnections :slight_smile:

Been watching videos stored on my NAS drive this afternoon with no disconnections at all.
Not applicable

Thanks sozzny for the update - Im glad the update has worked for you.


Can @Kryten_2X4B-523P @bigredbus2 confirm the same?



WIIC but, as a different thread says, my Media Player crashes when it tries to access my NAS drive that caused the problem. A hard reset of the TV has failed to cure it. I 'know' that a reset to default might cure it but I am loathe to reset the TV since it's a faff to get all the stations back on and setup the network etc. Of course, Murphy's Law means that my new BDP -s6200  works fine when served by Twonky  or Serviio (homestream) and so does the TV when served by Serviio. -sigh-

Not applicable

Yes, Ive read your other thread:


Unfortuantely I cannot provide any assistance on your issue and can only advise you on contacting both Sony Support and WD Support as well.




It seems that the last firmware update fixed the issue on my side too. I haven't noticed any disconnection so far. Thanks Sony !


I just bought the TV and I have the same issue. My firmware is the pkg2263eua. Any guess? 

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Morning Fotgold


Merry Christmas!


Can you please reply back with more information, as it cannot be the same issue, as the issue was fixed.  So please describe what is going on as best as you can.

