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Advices for create recovery CD ?


Advices for create recovery CD ?

I have my new VAIO VGC-LT2S since last Friday, and i wish to correctly create the Recovery CD. But there is some questions i have with the user manual.
I asked to the e-support team (without reply for the moment) but maybe have you some advices to give me.

Usually with a new computer i use to create three partitions :
"C:" for the system and programs
"D:" for the archive files, which is regularly saved on an external hard disk
"E:" for temporary files which need not to be saved.

My questions are :
- Do i need to create my recovery CD before to create my three partitions or after ?
- If i have to use my recovery CD for repair the "C:" disk, what will happen with "D:" and "E:" ? Is it possible with the recovery CD to repair "C:" without changes to "D:" and "E:" or the "D:" and "E:" partitions will be erased by the recovery operation ?

Thank you for your advices.


Hi there

I would make the recovery discs before partitioning the drive just in case.

When you recover your pc there is an option to either recover C drive or recover whole system.

Go to the Vaio Recovery Centre on your PC and check the available options, as there is no procedure listed for you yet in the support section of this site.

(At least in the worst case scenario you won't lose the data from any D drive as you will have it backed up on an external)


if you have create a receovery disc succefully no problem
when u start to recvery pc will ask to you what you waNT TO DO
you will see some choose box
if you choose only c: delete your only c:partition and repair like new one fabric adjust and dont touch other drive

if you choose completly repair delet all data nad driver and pc like orginal fabric adjust

my advise only choose c: driver and if you have data in c: driver please copy to to another cd or driver if you have question ask to me do not hesisate good luck
captain :devil:


Thank you so much !

Now it is completely clear :slight_smile:


Hi Ciolman,

there is a troubleshooting and recovery guide available to download for your LT2S which may be useful for future reference..

Use the following link to download the PDF manual: Troubleshooting and Recovery Guide


Hi Thalamus.

I received this manual with my VGC, but it is precisely in this handbook that i didn't understand if i can keep safe the other partitions than "C:" in case of a restoration.

Thank you for your help :wink:

Hi Ciolman,

sometimes these manual can be confusing.. :slight_frown:

the exert below from page 37 should help..


Hi all :slight_smile: !
For those who would be interested in the procedure :
Thanks to the different advices, i created my recovery CD, and after reboot my pc with the first CD DVD loaded.

So, the Vaio tools suggested to me to make a whole recovery operation with the possibility to create 2 new partitions : a new c: with a minimum of 50 Go, and a new d: with the rest of the capacity.

After the end of the procedure, i got back a new pc with 2 partitions. So i used the partition tool of Vista to create the third partition for temporary files.

The Sony Vaio-Link Team had confirmed me that it is possible to recover "C" drive without changes on "D:" and "E:", in this case you should select the "C:Drive Recommended Recovery" option during Recovery operation.

That's all folks :wink: and thanks for your advices !