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Do Not Buy direct from Sony

Do Not Buy direct from Sony

After reading all the threads for the Sony VAIO I wondered why I was stupid enough to buy a laptop from Sony direct. There are many people out there who are having the same problems as me & Sony just won't help at all. They are next to useless. After fighting my laptop with connection issues, Flash Player issues etc. for a month, it has now died completely &, despite sending numerous emails to Customer Service, no-one will ring me back. I am refusing to ring them again as it cost me a fortune last time as it was during the day & was for approxl 5 hrs in total. You are much safer buying from Curry's/PC World, they now have their own repair shop & guarantee if they can't repair it within 7 days, you can have a brand new computer. They used to use Domestic & General for repairs (which were about as much use as Sony themselves), they now don't use them.


Hello libirch49,

Your message has been escalated to Sony and they should have been in touch with you by now.

Kind Regards,


Forum Moderator

Hi libirch49,

hopefully someone from Sony has been in contact with now & have assisted you in resolving your problems..:smileyhappy:

If this is not the case could you please let us know so that we can try & assist further..

Looking to buy a Sony Vaio, where is the best place to buy from?

Hi jethrohuckleberry and welcome to the Community.


Its entirely up to you. You can buy direct from Sony or shop around the bigger electrical stores / department stores. It all depends on what you want, when you want it and what price you want it for :slight_smile: