Faulty screen - colour calibration problem


Faulty screen - colour calibration problem

I'm meanwhile on my fourth Vaio and I've always been very pleased with it. However, my new laptop (VPC- EB4E1E) is causing me a lot of grief. :cry:

I bought it a while ago but didn't really use it has I had mis-placed my Photoshop installation discs. Now that everything's up and running, I am struggling big time. Vaios always had great screens but this one is just awful in terms of colour. I'm a professional photographer, so I'm used to seeing blue as blue and not as purple etc. And the greens ... ooh, I need sunglasses.

The only calibration tool I have so far used is the one in Windows 7 (which is very basic) - and keeps shifting a lot. Do Sony have their own calibration tools or are there programmes to check out if a screen is faulty?

Thanks for your help.


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