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Firewire IEEE134 iLink.... whatever its called mine won't work!


Firewire IEEE134 iLink.... whatever its called mine won't work!


Second time posting here, hopefully the Vaio braintrust can help me out...

I've put the question to the e-support team to no avail (although I'm sure they'll come up with something, they seem to be wizards at this lark) but was hoping that someone here might be able to help...

My firewire port is stone dead, I bought this AR51 in Feb and this is the second device I've tried in it that doesnt work... the TexasInstruments card is enabled with up to date drivers, but what ever I plug in to it does nbot register. Windows won't launch the found hardware box, when i try to do it manually there is nothing there... Its like I have plugged nothing in at all... the hardware I am plugging into it works fine with my girlfriends laptop (also vista) so I know that isn't at fault...

I have a feeling that its the actual TI port that is screwed... any thoughts for solutions I can try?

I have looked in the F2 bios but can't see anything relevant there (doesn't seem to show the TI card - should it? if so, where?). I have tried numerous system recoverys in case its a windows update screwing with it, also tried running with all windows updates... tried disabling the dvd drive and wireless card, Norton and defender but still nowt...

Please help!

The main reason I bought this over a (cheaper) rival was the firewire, now I've just spent £400 on an audio interface I can't use.

Thanks in advance for your time,

Kind regards,
