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Over heating of my :Laptop


Over heating of my :Laptop

Hi Folks , My sony Vaio FSZ-215 becomes so hot that it can litrally burn someone . the laptop starts fine but soon in about half an hour it becomes super hot and then shuts down.

I have spent a decent money to buy a sony Vaio and really get frustrated and regret my decision to go for a Sony Vaio when I see Laptops of HP/ Acer / lenovo of almost half the cost working beautifully . Please advise if any one can help or have experienced similar problem.


Hi Bhaskar and welcome to Club Vaio.

It sounds like the air vents to your processor have become blocked with dust. You can confirm exactly what is overheating by downloading something like PC WIZARD 2008 which will monitor your temperatures.

Try using a can of compressed air to clear the vents. This is normally sufficient but in an extreme case you may have to take the Vaio apart for a good cleanout.

I attach the manual for your model - have a look at Pages 10 & 11.

Hi there!

What temperature is it?

you can use a few different apps to test temperature, maybe start with PC Wizard

Also are your vents clear of dust etc?

LOL you beat me to it Blencogo :smileygrin:

The guys above me are correct. I recently had to take my vaio appart because it became very hot. It could say it was not a laptop anymore, bc I would burn my lap.

When I opened it if was completely filled with dust. In one of the holes in the ventilator there was a BIG peace of collected dust. After cleaning all dust all over the place my laptop never heated op anymore even with heavy duty. Just like when I bought my laptop.

Yet you can use software to check what heats op, yet the only real way to find out is taking your vaio appart. Ofcourse it pretty scary to do such a thing and you need to be VERY carefull. You take a risk of braking your laptop yet if your carfull not. But look at the bright side, right now you can't do anything with your hot laptop :smileylaugh:.

Maybe one of the people here can give you a guide how to open it up for your model

Good luck.


Same problem with my fridge. I'd been vacuuming the vents every so often.

Recently I got a new vacuum cleaner with a brush for narrow grilles. Took it along the fridge vents.

First thought it was sucking out some internal cladding. Examining this 'material', I was shocked to find it was matted hair from the cat which tends to sit up against the nicely warm outlet vent.

Now I've cleared out the vents, they no longer run warm and the cat's had to find somewhere else to sit. :laughing: