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Please help with XP Downgrade AR61E


Please help with XP Downgrade AR61E

I've seen many threads on here all discussing the downgrade from Vista to XP across various different machines. But as yet, nothing which cover the new Vaio I bought, a AR61E
This is my 3rd Vaio, Ive had no problems what-so-ever with my last ones and so assumed everything would be fine with this one too. I knew it had Vista when I bought it, but in my naive nature I figured the downgrade would be easy.... I've had this machine since February and it's still completely redundant.

I've not got a very good understanding of computers at all. I can manage the basics, but even just understanding a lot of the existing threads on this topic is beyond me.

Please can someone help me out to get my new laptop working with XP. I havent a clue how to go about it and its begining to really frustrate me. Vaio Technical support have been of no use in the slightest and I'm begining to think that I've been sold a dog of a laptop which is not capable of running the programmes I need.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, my other alternitive right now is my local PC shop who are asking £150 to get XP installed, money I'd rather not have to spend.

So, if anyone can help me through this, baring in mind Im not the most computer littereate individual, it would be awesome.

Many thanks.


Hi TechDiff,

welcome to Club Vaio.. :slight_smile:

Yes it is possible to do but beware Sony will only support Vista on your vaio therefore if have a problem with your Vaio and you need to contact vaio-link you will probably have to reinstall Vista, also you will loose all of the applications that came pre-installed on your Vaio..

If I where you I would try and stick with vista.. :wink:

However if your sure that's the route you want to take, have a look at Blencogo's post in the thread using the following link: XP Drivers for VGN-AR61E

And you may find these thread of interest..

Full instructions to downgrade an AR31M from Vista to XP Pro

Audio drivers for downgrading to xp on AR51M


Hey thanks very much for the reply.

Im fully aware of the issues regarding Sony's attitude towards XP installed on my machine. However, I'm more than happy to continue dispite this. For me, XP works perfectly. I use my computer for music production and performance, and this does require a lot of headroom and power at times. Not to mention the fact that a lot of the programmes I use are not supported by Vista at all, and are not gonna be updated any time soon.

Unfortunately sticking with Vista is not an option. I play live a lot, and my laptop is an integral part of my setup. On my old system running XP I never had a crash once, and that's while running some pretty hardcore applications. My AR61E crashes trying to open internet explorer. Stability is the most important aspect for me, and something Vista does not offer. Its hardly confidence inspiring.

Thanks a lot for the links. I had a feeling I would have to use drivers from an older AR model. I hope I can figure these out now. As for the guide, I've already read through it all once, and to be honest I'm slightly confused by it all, but I think it's the best route to take.

Thanks very much for your help, I'll mention any progress on here as I go.


Well, here's how its going so far.

I cannot use the method explained in the thread you linked to since the RAID & S-ATA disk file is missing. So instead I've opted for the idea of using Nlite to add the drivers into the XP instalation disk. I've burnt the disk as suggested and started the install.

I reformat my HD using the slower method, I figured this would be more reliable.

Everything works ok, but as the install continues I begin to get messages about certain files are missing. Im given the option to retry or skip. Retrying has no affect so I have to skip. This happens about 20 times through the setup.

At the end of this it goes into the XP installation screen and the process starts. The computer goes into XP and the Administrator login screen apears. I type in the password I set during the installing, but I get an error message 0x80070002 and windows does not start up.

This has happened a few times now. Suffice as to say Im flumoxed.

Does anyone have any suggestions for this? Perhaps I've made a mistake while making the slipstream disk, or perhaps something else.

From what I've discovered from searching, the files not copying is often a sign of a faulty disk, disk drive, ram, or something else. But there is nothing wrong my XP disk or the slipstream disk. And my computer was functional before I began the whole process. Im at a loss.

Does anyone have the RAID & S-ATA disk mentioned in the thread linked above? This would be a whole lot easier since I'll be able to use my genuine XP disk and avoid the slipstream process altogether. This will at least help me to eliminate those parts of the chain.

Again, any help with this will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.


I think you will need the SATA Driver (Intel) (Non-RAID) 7.0A - - I attach it below as a .ZIP file.

Instructions for use: -

1. You will need to use a USB external 1.44MB floppy disk drive and connect to your Vaio. It is usually more reliable to use a Sony drive LIKE THIS ONE
2. Insert a blank formatted floppy disk into the external floppy disk drive, and unzip the download .ZIP file at the bottom of this post.
3. Make sure you have the 8 unzipped individual files in the root of the floppy disk - no directories.
4. Start the Microsoft Windows Operating System setup by booting from the installation CD.
5. At the beginning of the Operating System setup, press the F6 key to install a third-party SATA or RAID driver.
6. When prompted, insert the floppy disk with the SATA driver files.
7. After reading the floppy disk, the SATA Controller will be presented. Select this driver to install l (I think it is Option 2).
8. Finish the Windows Operating System installation and install all necessary drivers.

Good Luck!


Ah Great!!!

Thats exactly what I needed!

I'm giving my migrain from last nights efforts a chance to pass. And I'll begin the second assault this evening!

I have a dell USB floppy drive, hopefully it will be supported ok. Many Many thanks!!


Well, progress report.


It would appear that despite my dell brand floppy drive being manufactured by TEAC, and TEAC being listed as one of the supported drives by windows setup. It does not work.

I go through the setup process exactly as listed above, yet I get a message saying that setup cannot find any floppy drive to install drivers from. I've tried every USB port on my laptop, no difference. So I guess that must mean its not supported.

I also cannot tell if the drive you linked to is one supported by windows setup, the ones listed are:

Plug&Play ID Model:
USB\VID_03EE&PID_6901 Mitsumi
USB\VID_057B&PID_0000 Y-E Data; Sony part number 09K9835
USB\VID_0644&PID_0000 TEAC; IBM option part number 27L4226, FRU 05K9283

I'm quite happy to order one of these in order to get my laptop working (AT LAST!!) That said, I dont want to order a floppy drive for 1 use ever, only to find it is not supported.

Anyone who has had this problem, can they recomend what floppy drive they've used? That way I can at least be sure that what I buy will do the job I need it for. I'm sorry to keep asking for help, but this kinda stuff is boyond me in all honesty. Thanks again to everyone who has helped me so far. It is all starting to make a bit of sense.

That is unusual - I have not heard of any floppy drive not working before. I would have thought the USB DOS drivers were fairly universal. I have heard people say 'Use a Sony Drive' but did not know some would not work. I doubt if it is a compatibility with Windows Setup problem - more likely to be a compatibility with the Sony BIOS.

Have you re-set the BIOS to Default values?
Does the floppy drive work when you are booted into Vista?

You are not having much luck!



Quote "You are not having much luck!"

Haha tell me about it!

I cannot be certain if the floppy drive worked in Vista. When I tried the install with the slipstream disk I went through the whole process which included re-formatting my HD. I've tried the floppy on both my desktop and old laptop which are both running XP. It worked fine without having to install any drivers.

Here is the page I found the information about supported USB floppy drives.

As for the Bios settings. I havent yet changed anything in Bios. Is there something I need to do? Daft question, but how do I even get into the bios settings?

Yet again, thank you so much for taking the time to help me with this!

All I can suggest is that you have a look in the BIOS.

Turn on your Vaio and at the very first VAIO Logo black screen, tap F2 repeatedly. This will take you to the BIOS Configuration Screen.

I am not familiar with the options in the Vista BIOS (I'm on a XP Vaio at the moment) but you need to go through the screens and check that the USB FDD is not turned off anywhere. Check that the Boot Sequence is : -


and make sure the FDD is empty when booting from the CD.

Maybe someone else who has actually done this can help here!!
