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Touchpad issue: tap and drag speed too fast

Touchpad issue: tap and drag speed too fast

I recently bought a Sony S13A, with Windows 7. It all seems fine, except an issue with the touchpad (Synaptics).

The "tap and drag" feature (where you tap something twice, and hold your finger down on the second tap to then drag it) works, but requires a fantastically fast double-tap to get it to work.

I've checked all the settings in the Synaptics control panel, but there is nothing there to set the speed for this.

Strange thing is, it worked at a "normal" double-tap speed when I opened VAIO control centre, and disabled then enabled the tap function. However, once I then plugged my USB mouse in again, it stopped working, even when I un plug it and try to reset things in Control Centre again. So it was working fine, then seems to stop, and I can't figure out what is causing it.

Any ideas? I checked the registry for where a likely setting may be, but couldn't see anything relevant.

Thanks for any input.