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Experiences using Walkman NWZ-A810 Series Walkman on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

Experiences using Walkman NWZ-A810 Series Walkman on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

What has been the community's experience of using their Walkman NWZ-810 series with their PC after upgrading to Windows 10?

I am running two PCs both upgraded within the Windows Insider program but running the July release of Windows 10  (10.0.10240) both 64-bit Pro SKUs and both upgrades one from Windows 7 Pro and another from Windows 8.1 Pro.

Both seem to work to some degree that is Windows Media Player still Syncs and the device is recognised by the OS fine. Is that the same for everyone, upgraded or clean OS installs?

 My problem is with Windows Explorer and deleting data by hand. Part of the data has never been synced but copied onto the device for archiving and transporting and marked read-only. But those files and folders cannot be reset to read-write. A useful side feature but it worked before and saved losing data with a floating usb or memory card. Now of course without a legacy platform to delete out the data I am stuck with unusable space.

Any advice save for pleading with MSFT to support this half-feature. Thanks.


I upgraded to Windows 10 but with a brand new desktop so it was a new installation and then transferred over all my data including 180gb of FLAC music files. I haven't had any problems with it generally but think I may have had a problem with music files and Windows Media Player in that I couldn't download purchased music from Qobuz properly.


However,  I use Sony Media Go to store all my music and resolved my problem with downloading in Flac to this - and not Windows MP - and all works ok with my NWZ A10 walkman and Songpal apps.


Not sure this helps but you never know.