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WX-GT90BT USB Playlists


WX-GT90BT USB Playlists

If I use the QuickBrowzer whilst the source is USB I can go to the top level and select 'Playlists', but my .m3u playlists aren't being picked up.  Does anybody know which playlist formats are supported, if any?


Being able to use playlists on USB would make this unit ***** near perfect for me,as I rarely play just albums.




I also had an issue when putting in the USB with the stereo stating that the USB was not supported, this was a verbatim 32GB usb stick.


I plugged the USB stick into my laptop and re-formatted it to the FAT32 configuration, copied the songs only not in any folders, plugged it back into my stereo and it worked straight away.


Chances are your usb is formatted for NTFS. reformat the usb stick, copy across your music and it should work.  I have not tried doing it with folders yet but I cant see why it wouldnt work if you did.


Hope this helps!