Obtaining IP address problem


Obtaining IP address problem

Hi, I'm unsure whether this is a mobile or Internet issue. However I'm the only one in the house having this problem on a mobile device. Whenever I return from being out the Wi-Fi will not connect to my mobile phone. Instead it constantly shows obtaining IP address. The only way to fix it is to reset the router. Is there a reason for this or any permanent fix?

Hi @TashR, I'm sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

Do you the possibility to connecting your phone to another Wi-Fi network and check if you experience the same behaviour?

It will be enough if you connect to the network, and it will be automatically saved > move out of the Wi-Fi range so it disconnects from the network and move back into the "zone" so it connects to the network again.

If the same occurs with another network as well, try resetting the network settings in your phone. Do note that this will delete any saved Wi-Fi networks, paired Bluetooth devices and will reset your mobile data APN settings.

You can find the setting to reset the network settings in Settings > Backup & reset > Network settings reset > Reset Settings.

To download your mobile data APN settings again, go back to Settings > More > Internet settings.

Let me know if that helps! Slightly_smiling_Face


Jonas I only seem to have this problem on our home WiFi, shops and friends houses connect fine. NeoBeum I'm going to check out the link thank you, I've no idea how to give the device a static IP.

If other devices have no issues with connecting:

Common WiFi problems happen usually because the router has as issue assigning IP addresses.

The next most common is that something is broken on the device, like an antenna or setting.

Just try and follow that thread, and try and find the administration page for your routers model and manufacturer.

Hello again! Slightly_smiling_Face

I can see that you have received excellent information from @NeoBeumSlightly_smiling_Face

Since you do not experience the same behaviour with other networks, it does not sound like there is something wrong with your phone. You can always give your internet service provider a call and see if there is a new firmware update available for your router or if there is another way to reset it apart from the button on the router itself.

As @NeoBeum wrote, you can also try giving the phone a static IP, this will "lock" the phone to a specific IP address and the router will not assign the phone with a new IP address every time you connect the phone to your home network.

To do that go to Settings > Wi-Fi > tap and hold on the specific network > Modify network > tap on "Advanced options" > IP settings > Static.

Now you will see a few new options, I'm afraid I can't tell you exactly what should be entered in these fields since it depends on the IP addresses being used on your Wi-Fi network and the Gateway address for your router, your internet service provider will be able to assist you with what information should be entered here and you can ignore everything apart from "IP address" and "Gateway", leave them as there are.

Keep us posted and have a great weekend! Slightly_smiling_Face


Thank you everyone for all the input. I have to admit I am not really tech savvy so reading through the thread was pretty much Greek to me. I can say the following - like on the given thread I am with TalkTalk and cannot make changes on my router seemingly. Firmware is supposedly automatically updated. So will get my husband to call them and see if they can help (yeah right - they are pretty useless most of the time)

On my mobile if I change to static, I do not know what other values to insert in order to save the change. The save button is greyed out even though there are preset values in it already. So I am stuck there and will probably need to speak to someone who can actually help me step by step since I don't understand any of this. Thank you trying to assist.


That thread linked had a talktalk router

Your mobile needs to be set on DHCP For now, and everything that needs changing can be done from the PC, and will have to do with settings on the talktalk router

I understand that adding a static IP isn't the easiest thing to do, if you aren't very familiar with it, or have done it previously.

The thread that @NeoBeum linked have a lot of valuable information on how to proceed with this.

When you can't press "Save" have you made any changes in some of the fields? It will show your examples of IP-address and Gateway, you have to enter the correct information in all the fields to be able to press on "Save".

Your service provider will know exactly what should be added in these fields so they can help you with that, if resetting the router (or if they can do anything else on their side) isn't enough to get it to work.

I hope that your husband will get the appropriate assistance from your service provider and that everything works out in the end! Slightly_smiling_Face

Have a great weekend and let me know how it goes!