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Ivé got me a new A77 and i havent any use for my old so , is it possible to convert a700 to black and white photography or infrared?
Regards Tony
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Hello Tony - Welcome to the Sony Forums
I am unsure about an 'infrared' mode, but you can definitely preset the camera to take black and white shots. If you scroll through the creative styles available, you will see the option to take Monotone shots - the modes are described on pages 67-69 of the manual:
Hello Tony - Welcome to the Sony Forums
I am unsure about an 'infrared' mode, but you can definitely preset the camera to take black and white shots. If you scroll through the creative styles available, you will see the option to take Monotone shots - the modes are described on pages 67-69 of the manual:
if you want "true infrared" photography with the infrared protection filter removed from the sensor you can contact following speicalised service (it is based in Germany but English should not be a problem): Price will be > 300€
Thanks for the replies, found it on the pages you specified in the manual.
so thanks