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2015 Bravia Android TV Issues


2015 Bravia Android TV Issues

I thought I'd create a generic thread to cover off the issues being encountered on the 2015 Bravia Android TVs. I've listed my issues below with fixes / workarounds and responses from support. All comments and solutions welcome!



1) Hot Swap HDMI doesn't work - manifested by no input on HDMI channels 2, 3 and 4 on the KD-49X8305C. Workaround - reset the TV, either by holding down the remote power button for 5 seconds or by switching the TV off at the wall and then back on again. Further details on this thread:


2) HDD Recording doesn't work - error message states a system update is required but none is available when checking. Hopefully this will be fixed soon by a firmware update.


3) Netflix App doesn't work - this seems like the app has been deliberately disabled. So far a support case has only recommended that a factory reset be performed (took two days to get to that cracking piece of advice.....), with no improvement as a result. A temporary (albeit for advanced users only) workaround is provided by MikeLothian on this thread - 


4) Sound lag and performance issues after the TV (KD-49X8305C) has been on standby for a while - manifested for me as stuttering and sound / picture sync issues in all apps (youtube, amazon instant video etc) and HDMI sources (PS4, seperate YouView box etc). Hopefully this will be fixed in a firmware update, at the moment workarounds involve either changing channels to get the sync to work or in my case having to turn the TV off and then on again at the socket.


As stated previously, all comments welcome. Personally I'm willing to give Sony a couple of weeks to fix this, but if it's not done soon I'll be sending my new TV back for a refund as it's not really fit for purpose.

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@DaM3k0n wrote:

@Jacobjacobi wrote:

I thought I'd chip in and say that the lack of updates is extremely disappointing. I have a load of hardware that is of barely any use in this tv. I bought it from the high street and so don't have the same great returns policy you guys are getting. If I could, I'd send it back tomorrow as what it says it has and what it has in reality are a complete mismatch. 


YES YOU DO!  These TVs have inherent faults so you would be protected under the Sale Of Goods Act.. know your rights and stand up to them!  The sets arent fit for purporse and you could argue dont match their description, if they arent providing features that were advertised.


You have up to 6 months during which time it is assumed that any faults were present when you received it, and its not up to you to have to prove so...  Ive had refunds on faulty stuff after 4 months.. but the least your could expect is an exchange, if not a refund...

Thanks for that. I will go to the store tomorrow and see how I do. I'll post back here to let you know. I think I'll go Samsung.  At least that way I'll get 5.1 surround sound 


@Al_Charles wrote:

I think its about time we all started to work together to either return our sets or force Sony to do something.


As single people we are smacking our heads against a wall, so lets get organised.


If we have to return our TV so be it. But lets get all the Sale or goods act facts so we can help everyone working as a group will mean we can gain. Up till now Sony have treated us like idiots, time we showed them that is not the case.

Ok. So how do we do that. I am in Jersey, so my rights are similar (usually), but not the same. I will however freely chip in effort where I can. Sony are not what they once were and not do they appear to care. Not a single update since July, nor do they keep us reasonably up to date. If they fail to make today (which they now look likely to do), they knew that before. They delay the news as it delays the collective action you are talking about. 


If there is interest from others on here, i will open a email account and start a group, as Sony will probaly concider closing my forum account.


Hope you read my PM yesterday!? Im game!


anjenki75 wrote:

@SDCEGavster: I think you ought to read my big post again. There are two ways to control the volume, and I looked up your RM-F01 remote and it is the same one used by the HDR I had.


If you use the volume buttons on the RM-F01 whilst in the "PVR" mode (buttons at the top) then it tries to control the volume using the Humax box itself. As I said, that is flawed because the Humax isn't clever enough to control the volume on HD channels. There might be some settings in the Humax (e.g. tell it to output LPCM or something) but I don't think it's fair to say it's the TV's fault. You'll need to stop using the remote in this mode - set the SD channels' volume to match the HD channels, and leave it alone.


If you use the volume button on the RM-F01 in "TV" mode then the remote sends the TV's volume control IR code. You need to programme the remote with the appropriate code and verify that all the functions work.


It is usually better to use the TV to control volume - that way it applies to every input equally (apps, your PVR, PS3 etc). The TV also supports controlling your AV receiver's volume instead of its own. This is a great feature, it means you can use your AVR all the time and you never have to mess with the AVR's remote - it turns on automatically. This works perfectly for my Onkyo AVR. I honestly don't know why you would want it to not do this, but you can change it in the settings if you wish. You need to sit down and think about it for a moment - it sounds like you have three places to control volume: on the source (Humax), the TV, and the AV receiver. It's no wonder that you get variance between the volume on different channels/sources.

Hey anjenki75, thanks for your update and apologies for my speed reading whilst at work.


This is my situation in simple terms.

My old TV, a KDL-46W4000 was HD 1080 and I had no problem controlling the volume on both HD and SD channels with my RM-F01. So, why does this KD-55X8507 not let me? Your facts, whilst sound convincing don't seem to add up.


Apparently my Humax box was clever enough to control the volume of HD channels, just not on this TV. Now why is that? 


Don't get me wrong, I love this TV. I just want to work out how to use one remote for the volume as before. Only for my wife's sanity. I can handle having six remotes on the couch next to me! She, however, is not best pleased.


It's not like I'm watching 4K content, with different encoding issues. No, I'm still using my Humax box Freesat HD for input and watching the same channels.


I don't use the RM-F01 in TV mode, only PVR.


Your other suggestion of using the Audio System for the volume all the time is seemingly not possible as the Humax box is connected directly to the TV via HDMI1. However, when watching Blu-ray movies or playing games on my PS3 via HDMI2, the AV sound in 5.1 is amazing. Of course.


What settings do you use for your Onkyo AVR (with a PVR) and use the AV audio all the time?? How is that possible? (Apart from connecting everything through my AV, then to the TV and having them both on all of the time) Or am I being really dumb??



And for the record, I have no intention of returning my TV. Not unless there is a class act and Sony or the powers that be request it.




I am very interested in returning mine.

Was all over this forum at the start but have given up because this shoddy mess of a TV just got too disappointing to even think about returning it.

I initially bought a 4k android TV from john Lewis. It was so bad that john Lewis took it back and I ordered the cheaper kdl43w756.   This has the same software.  Lip sync issues, slow, but better than the 4k version.   I have written the Sony CEO and had no reply. So I found the Md email of Sony UK.  At last a response!   By the way, the Sony tech support line was awful.  Simply the worst ever.


Anyway, Sony will not admit they have an issue, though reading between the lines, they know the issues.  I too was awaiting the update today. Sony told me it may be delayed until mid October as it may not be ready.    I'm giving them till mid October, or Sony are happy to refund or replace.   


Worse still us that I've always bought Sony as they have really lost the plot with these android devices. 


For information, the person to write to in the UK is ***** (edit: removed personal data)


maybe be if we all wrote, twice a day every day, something may happen!



Email I have just sent.... 

Dear Mr Londema

Further to my email below sent a week ago, firstly thank you for putting me in touch with K from your executive customer service department. It is a shame that you could not acknowledge my email personally, however K was very helpful. Unfortunately it is a one way conversation as I cannot get back in touch as there is only a generic email address and no telephone number available.

The reason for my second note is that it is now 29th September, the date by which sony's UK website states that firmware updates will be available... As you are probably aware, that commitment has been missed with no updates actually available to download. In addition, the website still states that you view update is available in summer 2015. For information, summer in the UK ended on 22nd September. K also committed to keep me updated.... I haven't heard anything.

All we customers ask for, in return for our money, is that Sony communicate. Nothing more, nothing less. If you have issues, which you obviously do, tell customers! It's an easy thing to do. There are now 139 pages of complaints on sonys own community forum, yet no one from Sony appears to be listening. I state again. All you need to do is update the release dates, apologise and stick to your revised commitments, so easy to achieve.

I trust that on behalf of Sony, you can take this email as a request for help and to treat your customers well. I have always bought Sony, I have 6 other Sony TVs. Like many others I am loyal to Sony, can Sony be loyal to me?

Hi, just been reading through all your messages about the "new" Sony android tv's. I purchased a 4k one two weeks ago and it was quite literally the slowest piece of technology I've ever used (and I grew up with the bbc computers). It was embarrassing and Sony should be ashamed of themselves. I feel sorry for anyone who has purchased one, hence I have taken the effort to create an account to express my disappointment.


Anyway, I managed to return this useless piece of junk back to currys under the grounds that it did not have some of the features advertised on their website. Think it said twin tuners, itv player, demand 5 etc. I didn't even need to mention the os and they gave me a full refund.


i have since purchased a beautiful Samsung 55" which was £100 cheaper and functions like a 2015 TV should. It's awesome.


please don't just accept this and wait for an update. Return your tv's if you can.


good luck if you decide to keep them but it's disgraceful for a company of Sonys size to treat it's loyal customer base this way.




stu "will never buy any Sony product again" pragnellious.