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Amazon Echo app


Amazon Echo app

When will the Amazon Echo app be available in the UK? It's been in the US since July. Really want to be able to voice control the TV, and currently only really use the Echo for asking about the weather (typical Brit ๐Ÿ˜„)


It looks like every [edited by moderator to remove profanity] XD and XE is supported except MINE. Why? 

You basically got screwed over. Early 2016 models like your XD85 build on the same HW platform as the 2015 models. So while the XD85 has the 2015 platform (just like the expensive XD93 and XD94), cheap XD70/XD80 3-4 months later received the new ATV2 platform. And the worst thing is that Sony announced the new platform for all the 2016 models. You can read more about it in my review.


I don't know how Sony wants to explain to customers why XD70/XD80 receives longer support and better features than a XD85. They probably just keep silent like they always do.

Thanks K, your review is great. Not for me though as one of the people that got sold a lemon ๐Ÿ˜– We bought it end of last year (after Christmas 2016), so a long time after the model was replaced. We bought specifically it because we wanted a TV to last us the next 10 years (like our previous Bravia did), and assumed as it is 4K it  was the latest model ๐Ÿ˜ก We're not wealthy so when we make a big investment like this we need it to last. 


Will try writing to Sony, but presumably there's nothing they will do. Did masses of research too, but unfortunately your blog didn't show up on searches. Pretty annoyed that our future proof TV is anything but, and hugely disappointed in Sony as we've only had good experiences with their products in the past. 


Would you be happy for me to share the link to your blog? I think Sony should be called out on this. 


Many thanks, Liz

Would you be happy for me to share the link to your blog?

Yes please. Do so as much as you can!


I welcome everybody to use and spread the information.

Hi RutlandLiz,


Sorry to hear you feel you 'bought a lemon'. You are not alone.


I just got (in early Sept 2017) a KD43XE8396 from my 'local' store which has had to be 'factory data reset' three times already due to a 'buggy OS' or a knackered remote (or both?, eek!).


It is still not right but I hope it is just the remote causing the problems (1st set of batteries flat already). Perhaps the 'latest OS update - available since 25th Oct - will fix the issues (I hope so).


Even though my TV is an XE which SHOULD be 'newer' than yours, only XE83 models out of all recent models (including XD to A1E) do not get the 'bluetooth' part of the update, for some reason.


I doubt VERY much Sony will do anything (except promise much & deliver very little) about software glitches, 'new' tv's not being new at all, or what customers have to call 'misleading' info (about features or how 'good' they are at fixing issues with  their products & services), rather than what they would like to call it. Just a look at reviews of their 'Music Centre App' - for Sony speaker systems (renamed, but just as crap) in the App Store, will give people a clue.


Unfortunately I only discovered that AFTER getting my new TV & Bluetooth portable Speaker. Apart from the TV, b/t speaker & my PS3, no other Sony product has ever let me down in 25+yrs (they also never needed any 'apps' or software to make them work or make them 'better' via updates either).


When will these tech companies learn that if something is not broke they should not be always trying to 'fix it'. Change for changes sake (profits more like) in 'device apps', is what is 'breaking' so many products.


Good luck

