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Disappointing motion on AG9

Disappointing motion on AG9

I've just replaced my ageing KD55X9005A a fantastic set even though 4k was horrible and wasn't native but i did know this when i early adopted it on release, this is the model


That tv had the best HD picture and motion I've ever owned when set to standard however 5 1/2 years down the line thought I'd upgrade to Oled and I'm rather disappointed to the point where I'm considering sending it back and waiting until the motion is sorted on future sets however long that may be.


Let me just clarify a few things on the old set, it had a few settings in motionflow more than this new master series AG9 one of which was standard mode and was the best in every single content i tried on it, it was consistently smooth no matter what i was watching, people who owned the x9005 series will back me up on this, yet i have less options on this £2600 set and none of them and i mean not 1 setting eliminates all judder.


Best setting i can use for general use is custom/Level 2 and that is not even smoother than standard on the x9005, i still get some judders when fast changing scenes are happening, the maximum smooth option is something i cannot live with, it introduces a whole host of soap opera effects.


Does anyone know if this is a trait of oled or not or whether this will likely be fixed in a software update? It's ok having the best looking picture when it's not moving but as far as I'm concerned it's an expensive picture frame, maybe a bit harsh but you'd think so far down the line this should not be happening on cheap sets nevermind Sony's ultimate chipset.


So to say I'm disappointed is an understatement, yes i love the design of the tv and a lot of the features but when primarily it's use is for viewing material it's no good, I'm guessing the US with 60hz streams is good but the UK is 25hz/50 it's not good at all.


Maybe i need to go back to lcd?