Poor Performing Bravia TV


Poor Performing Bravia TV

I just spent a small fortune on a 4K Bravia 'smart' TV. KD-49XE8005


The remote control is very slow responding, it takes ages (longer than it should) to change chanels, when watching stuff on the built in amazon app the lip sync frequently is out... on My other TV which has an amazon fire stick we never have an issue.... same internet.


I have tried to talk to Sony but apparently they do not want to talk to anyone, prefering to hide behind forums and emails. 


Any ideas as Im just about to take it back and get a different make...........


Small fortune is always relative...you bought the entry level 4k android tv while I spent a small fortune on the top end a1...

Having said so be sure:

You have fresh battery on the remote. It seems stupid but please try to.

Reboot the tv if you think it is too slow recently. (Hold off button for several seconds)

Be sure to have the latest firmware 

In case still do not solve try resetting to factory and start the setup as new installing only the app that you really use.

Ps for Amazon app you should wait next firmware that is expected to bring a better Amazon app


I bought KD-65SD8505 and have same issue with remote and poor performance. Everything taking too much time TV like to thinking long . I tried reboot, back to factory settings and fresh batteries in remote controller . Nothing. Seems like procesor in Hi End Sony TVs cant halndle with Android. 


I had a sluggish tv too but after installing the most recent september update its much more responsive,  I do have the high-end 65XE9305 which comes with the X1 Extreme processor so im guessing that makes a difference to the speed of the use interface