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Sony Bravia KD 55XD8599 B - change home page help please

Sony Bravia KD 55XD8599 B - change home page help please

When I use the Opera Browser on my Sony Bravia KD 55X8599 B Tv it defaults to the Sony Home Page and to make life more difficult I have to choose the UK region each time I access this.


Can anyone tell me how I can change the home page to one of my choice please?   I have read other posts about how to do this but it says press Options and there is no such choice on my remote control.   I also cannot see a model number on my remote control.    This is driving me nuts so I would appreciate any help offered.   Thank you.

Not applicable

Hi there


Appologies that your topic has seemingly been missed.  I have had a little play with the Opera Browser, however I am unable to change the default homepage.  The best I could get is to add it to bookmarks or the speed dial screen.


You could try sideloading Google Chrome instead - see HERE



Had a look myself although I rarely use the browser on the TV. It seems that the only way to do this is as posted to add bookmarks and use them. I could find no way of actually changing the default home page either. It always defaults to Sony home. 

Jeffrey Cooper