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DCR-TRV265E laptop cannot find it! Boo Hoo


DCR-TRV265E laptop cannot find it! Boo Hoo


I know there are problems allowing windows 7 to acknowledge my handycam (i have updated my picture package to pmb) but nowhere can i find a solution i have trawled the net and here but have info overload and now cannot see or think straight.

Is there a simple solution or cable i can get, this i-link will that do it? but i dont think my laptop has a port to use it or do i have to get a connector aswell?

Please help but be gentle i am thicker than a whale omelette, simple terms please ;((


Hi Albeard56,

If you purchased from the link given by Blaireau, please do not despair.  Your camcorder might not quite be the chocolate teapot you think it is,  :smileylaugh:.  My camcorder is a DCR-TRV265E too.

Go back to the seller, speak to Frank, he really is very helpful.  Explain your problem, he will find a solution for you which will be for a USB port, you may need another set of wires at a cost of around £5.00/£7.00 which I already had.  Please give it a go, it is a much cheaper solution than buying a new camcorder.

Good luck, and try to suppres that Sagitarian in you (I'm normally the same, a Saggi too) it really isn't helpful in situations like this, I have learned my lesson.

Kind regards
