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Sony UK Website - What Has Sony Done ?

Sony UK Website - What Has Sony Done ?

Hi everyone. I'm a huge Sony fan and own several Sony products. I also use various online forums and everybody is saying the same thing with regards to the new Sony UK Website, which is that it's a complete mess. Very difficult to navigate and find what you are looking for.

An example is when you click on the website and click on televisions, you would expect to see all of Sony's current models listed on the page, or something similar.

Instead, you get a huge page dedicated to Sony's 2013 4k model. Only when you have spent ages messing around on the website, does one realise that to get all the current models, you have to click the tab below televisons. Really really poor tbh.

I would be very grateful if my feedback with regards to this could be passed on as a matter of urgency.




No I have not noticed any improvements for me the whole site is difficult to locate initially and once you find the site it is not user friendly, the posts are hidden at the bottom of the page below the very large community banner & Sony 'marketing' hot news.

When you actually reach the recent posts and click on See more posts a couple of times there is no way to go back a page.

For me Sony need to decide if this a user forum or a marketing site. Hot news should be useful information such as latest firmware for product a released or iPlayer currently down, etc. this would save people repeatedly posting the same problems over and over again.


What do you mean quoting posts surely you do not mean the Quote button?

Not applicable

Thanks guys for the feedback.

  • The top "community" logo banner is now clickable, therefore you can get back to the main forums easier.  Which should help navigation on the forums.  As well as you can also use the "Go To ...." drop-down menu to switch between areas of the forum.

  • The Hot News section is here to stay, as you say, it is marketing, but can be quite useful at the same time though (competitions...).  As the forums is in constant development, there are provisions to add a banner at the top of individual categories in times or major issues (ie under Television, it could have a banner for iPlayer when a major issue occurs)  I do not know if this is developed as of yet.

  • In regards to "finding" this forum, this has been raised and hopefully a solution will be found :slight_smile:

  • My issue with the quotes is not with the button, but with how its displayed in the thread itself.  Maybe im just being a little picky

Hope that answers some things anyhow.

High fives to everyone we have a clickable Community banner!

(I'm not joking lol it makes things alot easier :smileyhappy:)


The customise buttons on the laptop pages do not work either. When you try to customise a laptop you get redirected elsewhere. Link -

Not applicable

Hi piavich


I have informed Sony of the error you reported (it happens with me also)


However this is most likely due to Sony (probably) no longer selling customised versions of laptops.  However website does need tweeking to remove this, if that is the case.

