CMT-SBT100B USB doesn't work

CMT-SBT100B USB doesn't work



I'm trying to connect a USB device to a CMT-SBT100B for the first time, and can't get it to work.


The display briefly shows 'Reading' and then 'Charging' but I can't get any audio out of it.

I've tried an iPhone 5, an iPad Mini and a Sony Xperia Z3 compact.


I have another Sony HiFi in the house (CMT-G1BIP), and I use the USB mode on that all the time, so I generally know how this stuff works.


Is there something else I ought to try / do different, or is it safe to say it's broken?




since i'm a bit of a novice on audio hifi usb, i don;t think i have come across this problem before.  over the last week or so, i been looking at things, wondering why audio usb reads files alphabetically, but that hiccup can be overcome by adding 01, 02 etc in front of the name... as it recognises the name of the album, i don't now see a need to rename every single file to suit a sequence.,


eg, artist - album name - 01 - track title


my guess this problem has been going on for longer than i knew, according to the internet, seems a common problem with car audio.


i have looked at my 16gb sandisk ultra usb 3.0 (the one with loads of stuff on i didn't fancy cutting out as it would takes time to put the files back in)..


what suprised me is that there is an app in there named  RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win .. the file system is fat32 ...  when reading properties, under customize it shows up as 'use this folder type as a template then a drop down box says 'music folder'.. 


even though this usb has other things like jpg and stuff, i plugged it into the sbt100b and it said 'reading'. after about 30 seconds or so, it showed the music files..  curious, i clicked play and it i listened to the tracks..


i have just looked at the cruzer and it says FAT, and when looking under customize, it shows up as music details..  so in theory, i am now going to have to empty the integral again, as i am sure it said 'pictures and videos' ... once i done that and select music as the template, it should in theory work.


if that doesn't work, i'm stumped.. it could be possible to remove the app inside the usb just to get the thing playing.. but as the 2gb cruzer doesn't have an app or key, that's why i thought the integral key was blocking play



what a load of crock... i tried the integral and used the music details folder template, plugged it into the sbt, track


don't know what to say... it doesn't seem right that consumers are left in a position of guess work which usb they buy in a store is going to work.. seems unfoair to buy a few and take a chance on trying to find something that will work.


as that is the only thing i can come up with atm, the 2010 ish sandisk cruzer micro 2gb FAT that has no app, and shows up in Computer as a single icon, works on sbt100b and panasonic sc70b. 


the 2009 ish integral 512mb, FAT system with a built in app .exe, password control mfc app? and shows up as two icons in Computer.  works on the panasonic sc70b but not on sbt100. (which now turns out to be 2006).  


the 2015 3.0 sandisk ultra FAT32 with built in RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win app works on sbt100 shows up on Computer as a single icon, and works on sbt100b.


what is the denominator.  the only other thing is the age, pre vista.  then again, i use vista and works with the 2015 sandisk ultra.  so when i copy my music from my vosta onto 2015 sandisk and works on sbt100b


hasn't anyone really looked into it.. would have thought some sort of list would be floating around.  sony do say that their usb is compatible.  usb is a storage device operating that system the owner's computer uses, FAT


cd is a storage device, file system is cdfs 





got some sense today, bought a new sandisk 16gb tltra on sale at a store, £5.99


plugged it into the sbt100 and it reads the files. i couldn;t gget the sony usb as they have to be home delivered and takes 4 days, plus the new year is coming up with two bank holidays as well, so i will get that again as i want one or two to put my other music files onto.  good thing about their usb is one is black and the other is white, which is good for me as i was thinking of colour coding as i wouldn't remember which usb is which if they were all the same.


so, here's looking forward to renumbering 2000+ music files to play in order as the folders are my compilations.. sould be finished by monday.  Ripped cds are no problem as they are already numbered in the song title, as i took them off to make it look better on phone and media players..


another thing that crossed my mind is, it is possible another reason why usb won't work with some people is because one of the tracks is either an i-tune or download, maybe drm issue and that system doesn't like it, so instead of playing 19 tracks in a folder of 20, it knocks the whole lot off if it doesn't like the other 1.  sometimes, a mobile phone would say file format not supported if there was a hiccup with one track.. way around that is put the file into a programme like mp3 maker and get a new file, then it works.


that still doesn't make much sense when my own 2006 integral wouldn't work on sbt but works on panasonic... maybe in 3 or 4 years time, 2010 usb won't work on 2020 usb audio... hope not


how i'm going to build up my collections is do batches at a time instead of all in one go.  do a small batch at a time, then put it in sbt.  when it reads and plays, do the next batch.. and if there is a hiccup, at least know generally which folders a file is in should it stop reading..  leave in the first new folder, when that's ok, put one folder back in at a time until reaches the folder which stops it from working...


if someone said to me their sandisk ultra 3.0 doesn't work on their sbt100b, i'd be suprised..


maybe another reason why usb doesn't work on their audio is they share the usb between other audios.  i'm keeping my  new usb for sbt use only, which sounds a bit off as i have to insert the usb into my laptop before i can do anything, so it has been shared before i started anything.