BDV-N5200W Intermittent Rear Speaker Cutout

BDV-N5200W Intermittent Rear Speaker Cutout



I bought a BDV-N5200W last October from and up to now I've been very happy with it. However, recently the rear speakers have been cutting out intermittently. The cut-out lasts for no more than a few seconds each time but is extremely irritating and it occurred on at least 6 occasions during an episode of a TV drama I was just watching from my Sky planner. When the cut-out occurred I checked the remote amplifier to see if the light on the front had gone out or changed from green to red but it hadn't - it remained solid green so I assume the unit thinks it's still connected . I've tried recycling the power on both the main unit and the remote amplifier all to no avail. The units are about 5m apart and the main unit is housed in a glass fronted cabinet, but I can't see how either of those can be an issue as the system was working perfectly well until a couple of weeks ago.


I was wondering if anyone else had come across a similar issue. There don't seem to be any similar posts on this site so I won't be surprised to learn that no-one has, but if anyone has could you maybe let me know if you managed to resolve it and how?


Best regards, Gerry


Hi Gerry, welcome to the Sony Community :slight_smile:


We don't have many reported problems of this nature. You could do worse than double-check settings etc, following this troubleshooting guide. Hopefully something there will help.




Hi Mick,


Thanks for that. Can you confirm that communication between the BDV-N5200W main unit and the rear surround speakers amplifier is via Bluetooth? If so, it's certainly something I wasn't aware of. Either way, everything was fine until a couple of weeks ago and I'm pretty sure I haven't changed anything including settings, which is why I suspect a fault in either the main unit or the remote amplifier. In any case, I don't think any of the Bluetooth fault scenarios in the troubleshooting guide apply in my case. On the advice of the Sony support team, I've set the Secure Link feature on both the main unit and amplifier to ON and I'll monitor the performance to see if that has made any difference.


Regards, Gerry

I recently brought a BDV-N5200W & a TA-SA500WR S-AIR rear amplifier, and they won't connect to each other! The rear amp flashes green, and then goes to a solid red.

Any ideas?  

Your trouble shooting link doesn't work, but any help gratefully received 


Community Team

@Kernowsteve Try to do a power cycle for both devices "unplug them from the mains" and wait few minutes and then plug them back. Also check the connection and make sure the cables are securely connected to both ends. Finally, I believe you can do a reset for the BDV-N5200W (page 63):