STR-DN1080 colors missing

STR-DN1080 colors missing

So I have a receiver which is said in the topic and everything been working well to this point. Yesterday everything was working flawlessly and today when I opened up my PC which is connected to the receiver I saw that I'm missing all the colors and the screen was in black and white. I started to switch inputs, cables everything but nothing seemed to be working. The issue wasn't in my GPU on PC nor the cables which are used to connect these devices. 


I went to the menu of the receiver which should look like this 



but instead it looks all black and white. No colors at all. This made me wonder that maybe the problem isn't cables or TV or anything like that. I also switched the ports and cables with what TV is connected to receiver. 987ae6e3-32d4-49cd-ae8d-844ad8969e4a.jpg


Anyone here have ideas what could be wrong? 





Okay nevermind as the issue was solved by itself. What the eeeeeh? I didnt do anything just turn on the machines after few hours and so on