BBC i player not working thru bravia tv


BBC i player not working thru bravia tv

I can't get BBC i player to work thru bravia internet video, despite downloading latest firmware from sony website


Yes - that's the issue! I have downloaded the update but the TV won't recognise the USB. So am back to the beginning??? I have tried a normal USB and tried the SOny wireless USB but the Mac won't recognise it...

I am running 0108 which sony say is the latest when I select iplayer I just get an "needs upgrade ..." message and " make sure auto update is on".

The Sony wireless dongle has no storage on it so that won't work.

Have you tried another USB stick or maybe formatting the current USB stick ( bear in mind it will wipe anything on there) and starting from scratch.

I'll give that a go or get another one and try it. Watch this space...All v frustrating

Hi there.

I managed to download the new version of the software from the product support section, of the web site, onto a USB memory stick. After the the download is installed you MUST refresh the Internet Content for the installation to take effect. It is ridiculous that customers have to go through this long winded process.

Sony should and could make the software update process more like i-tunes. When you access the internet TV then the latest version of software is checked, if your current version is out of date then the new version is downloaded immediately.

Sony could also supply registered owners with the latest version of software on a pre-loaded memory stick, after all they do make them. All the customer would have to do would be to plug the stick into the USB slot of the TV and follow the on screen instructions.

A lot of customers bought these TV's to be able to use the i-player facility and i'm sure they are not all computer literate and should not be expected to download and reload software and potentially disable their TV's.

Come on Sony get your act together!

Hi Clarki1690

Yes The TV process is a little long winded I'm afraid, but I think is being addressed to make it more similar to the Blu-ray update process ( which you can update over IP directly from the device, no need for USB or OTA downloads)

Thanks for the feedback though, hear you loud and clear!.


I also can't use BBC iPlayer and so I have followed the instructions and Downloaded the latest version of the Firmware for my new Bravia EX703 onto my Mac.

I have version PKG4.010EUL-0103 on my TV.

I downloaded the software. On a Mac it Unzips automatically and it creates the Folder as described in the instructions.The folder contains one file.  (00020100_01e50000.bin   Mac Binary Archive 37.7 mb) I copied the Folder and contents onto a USB, turned on the TV and put the USB in the slot. The following message appeared on the screen:

"No applicable update data was found.

Please remove the USB device and select OK to exit."

Can you help please. My TV and Internet Router are Hard Wired and I can get the other Internet "sites" e.g. You Tube etc.

Have you tried formatting the stick first? I'm pretty sure another Mac user said once he did this, it worked fine.


Hi again.

I tried again but to no avail.

I started afresh today and downloaded the folder and file again. This time I used a different Unzipper from the one on my Mac. When I put the USB device into my TV the message stated that it could not find a new version!  I then tried iPlayer and  -- it works!  I have no idea how this happened.  Could the software have been updated overnight automatically?

The software on my Bravia TV is the latest version ie


Thanks for your help


Clearly, from this forum I have a similar problem to many of you. I purchased a KDL 37EX 403 and a wireless Sony dongle after a teriffic bit of salesmanship in John Lewis - i-player in the TV just right for me and t'wife!

I cant access the i-player everything else works. I did as told and checked thatr the automatic update box was checked - it was/has been now for best part of a week - TV on standby 'talking' to the wireless broadband in home - it still does not work.

I see from some preceding comments some solutions but I am not very technically literate and therfore cannot really understand how to download from the Sony website and get this on the TV. Is there a real Janet and John set of instructions of how to do this out there? IS this the solution - even if I could do it?

Should I get it sorted on the warranty?