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The TV loses both the picture and sound goes black for about 15 secs then comes back on normally, this has been happening for a long time probably 2-3 months after purchase, we thought it was unusual but as we run the sigal from a boosted internal aerial we thought it of as intermittent loss of signal, but recently we bought a newer TV for a bedroom and run it the same way with no problems.
I have been told that this may a fault with the TV. ANY HELP WOULD BE USEFUL
some tv tuners are more sensitive than others when picking up freeview and with your case using an internal aeriel which for all intents and perposes may only be adequate at the best of times, if freeview is your only choice (you have no virgin or sky) then i would seriously be looking to get a digital aeriel up on the roof or the very least in the loft, signal boosters are seldom required these days as all the digital transmitters will have been uprated anyway
you should be able to check your signal strength and quality in the menu, i find mine under Digital set up, under Digital manual tuning theres a dual graph that shows both, mine are at 100%, see what yours are.
Thank you for taking an interest, I tried what you said but at the last stage it only shows the channel thatis on at the time, no signal strength graph, so I am guessing on this model it may be under something else will keep looking but it is a bit difficult when the family are watching their favorite progs LOL
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction at least it's not the TV, which is a bonus.