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W705B: all image processing disabled, yet there are artifacts

W705B: all image processing disabled, yet there are artifacts

I'm getting artifacts on a W705B, I assume due to image processing. The firmware is the latest: 2.263. I did a Factory Reset, then set it to "Game-Original" mode, with all image processing options off/0/centered.


Anyone else seeing this on the same model or other 2014/2013 models?

If your computer is connected to the TV, view the image linked below at normal/100% zoom and see if the background looks uniform.

Click for 1920x1080 test image. View at 100% size when checking.


It should look like the thumbnails above. Instead it looks like:
How it ends up looking with this problem


Some of the problems are gone, or almost so, in other Scene Modes (like "Cinema", maybe after disabling "Reality Creation"), but I specifically want "Game" for low latency and for what I thought should be no image processing at all.

The problems I've noticed so far manifest on 1-pixel checkboard patterns (here are the images for white and magenta , view at 100% zoom). There are changes in brightness, or tint, based on what else goes on in the same line as the affected pixels. I also encountered what looks like some vertical color gradient on what should be a uniform color, but I don't know if it's the same root problem.

The green and purple colored areas here are supposed to be black-white 1-pixel checkboarding ("G Gain" just accentuates it):

All flat color areas above were supposed to be the same white/grey.


Video showing the funky color changes when moving a window around:

The TV menu turns the white grid in the background completely green, and also shows horizontal "shadows":

Green supposed to be grey. Also see "shadows" to the right of lines and the selection bar.

A magenta checkerboard (that the TV turned brownish) changes color depending on what's else horizontally:

Background color is supposed to be a uniform magenta.

Video of the above in motion:

Red checkboard grid. Turns brighter on both sides of the window.

Vertical color gradient on a magenta checkerboard. It's not due to the viewing angle. It looks mostly brown/grey both because the TV processing turns it brownish, and some because of the camera. I'm not sure the gradient is related to the same processing problem as above. 

Gradually more magenta at the bottom.

Another example of the problem on the W705. A Notepad window is moved and resized over a magenta checkerboard pattern. The magenta looks more like brown. But if a white rectangle is on a certain line of pixels, the larger the white area is the closer the magenta pixels become to what they should ...
New TV shows strange artifacts when displaying white checkerboard patterns with 1 pixel spacing. First, there is a green tint to the white grid. Second, if a window or something similar is overlaid on top, there are "shadows" of sorts, going horizontally on both sides of the window. I tried ...



Are these problems with just hdmi from your pc or do you get them with the tv tuner as well. If it's just the pc may be try a new cable ie hdmi 2.0.

If you get this on all inputs then it looks like a problem with the tv.



Hi TC. It happens also when the computer is not involved. For example, when viewing "susceptible" images in the TV web browser.


Can you check on your TV, if it's connected to a computer?


View this image at a normal 100% size (each image pixel mapped to one display pixel).

The background should look the uniform, like in the thumbnail, and unlike the third photo I posted above.


                    Click for full size image



I can see the image on my set KDL50W815B but not replicate the odd colour banding.Do you have the web image i can look at which can show us this problem in the tv browser? 




Not applicable

Also to hcr_hassen - Try putting the TV scene mode to "Graphics" and see how that effects the pictures as you describe.



tatcan, if you viewed that image at 100% when connected to a computer and did not see the problem, seeing similar content in the TV web browser will show it correctly as well. Did you use a "Game-Original" picture mode with all picture processing features turned off? (Though it shows in other modes as well, just lessened depending on your specific settings.)

You can view the same image to check on the TV browser:
Just make sure you zoom to 100% by selecting the image with the arrows on the remote, and pressing the "select" button. The TV browser distorts the image a bit (parts of the grid pattern become irregular), but it still exhibits both the horizontal color distortion and a general color distortion of the grid.


Quinnicus, it happens also in "Graphics" scene mode. Here's how the TV browser shows the image in Graphics mode:


In some modes the problem is lessened (for example, in the TV browser in "General" mode, with "Live Color" set to a high setting). But I do not want any processing. 99% of my use would be "Game" with all processing options disabled, same as I did with the 2013 W6 this 2014 W7 is supposed to replace.


Did you see the videos linked in the first post? I guess no such problems on your 2013 W8?



Just this before i try it tomorrow, probably already done if you game a lot. Have you updated your graphics card driver on your pc. But shouldn't show up on the in built browser. 

Will let you know png link later.





It's not the graphics card drivers, it happens without the PC as well. And it didn't happen on a 2013 Sony W6.


Can you view that image under a few different Scene Modes to see if there's any change?



Yes I see it now. not sure if it's the background file thats the problem I've made a new one with photoshop that don't have the black pixels in between the colour background (you can see it when zooming in more the 150% on your file)



Can you try this image and see if this has the problem as well? I'll try it when i get home as I created this at work today.



Thanks. How come you didn't see it when you tried initially?


The problem won't happen with flat colors. It's certain pixel patterns that triggers it.


I checked a 50W805B and it happens there as well. It appears a problem inherent to the panel design. What I don't understand is how it's lessened in some combinations of picture settings. I'm still hoping a firmware update could somehow address the issue.


If I had known maybe I could have tried to find a W656A instead of a W705B.