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blue screen on new LA3


blue screen on new LA3

Hi, I bought the Sony LA3 desktop a month ago, and after a couple of days it started shutting down to protect data (blue screen) think it said something about mini dump. This happened when browsing the internet, and even when the pc was on with no one using it (no pages up). This was happening on average once or twice a day.

Tried recovering the comp to solve the problem, but still kept happening so it was returned to sony service centre and they replaced a speaker which was not working and were also going to replace the motherboard (although they said they could not find evidence of blue screen despite it being in the report history about 8 times).

Anyway I was not happy with this as it was only a couple of weeks old, so I arranged to return it for a replacement, and in the meantime have had another one sent out. Well 4 days in with the new one and it has happened again, although this time it has not shown in problem history. It was in standby and I clicked the mouse to start it up, got on log in screen and entered password, logged on and then blue screen appeared.

Any suggestions? I can't even find a review of it or any evidence of people having problems with this!



Nobody got any ideas as to why I may be getting this blue screen with both LA3's? ......does it suggest a problem with hardware or could it be vista.

please help :thinking:

Hi MissMarple and welcome.

I'm sorry but it is difficult to help without further information. It does seem that you should be putting pressure on Sony to fix this, especially as this is your second machine. If they can't, then they should give you a full refund.

We either need the printout of the minidump or information from the blue screen. Both of these will identify the program causing the blue screen.

Probably the best way forward is to turn off the automatic re-boot from the blue screen so you can see the error message in full. You will have to hold the power button down for 5 seconds to shut the Vaio down.

1. Click Start button.
2. From Start menu Click Control panel.
3. In Control Panel Click the System icon.
4. In the System Window look on the Left hand side of the window and you will see a list of options. Click on the Advanced System Settings option.
5. Because Computer management requires administrative privileges you may find the User Account Control will pop up. If it does then enter the required information (if you are not the administrator) or, if you are the administrator, click the Continue button.
6. In the Advanced Settings window look for the Startup and Recovery section and then Click the Settings button.
7. In the Startup and recovery window look for the section marked System failure and remove the 'tick' mark from the 'Automatically Restart' option. Now press the OK button.
8. Finally click the OK button on the System properties Window and then close the system window.

Let us know the full error message.



Hi, and thanks for the reply :slight_smile: I am not sure what the exact error message was, but it did mention mini-dump or something like that.

Anyway I will try and find out what the error message was and get back to I mentioned we have only had this one about a few days, so I have not even contacted sony or the place I purchased it from..... I just thought it was strange that both pc's had the same fault, so just wondered if it might be a vista problem rather than hardware.

Had a look in the report history and it has not recorded that the blue screen happened. We are also getting a box popping up saying 'usb port not recognised' .... this happens quite often and also occurred on the first pc.

BTW have located the mini-dump file in windows folder, from when the blue screen happened this morning, but do not know how or if you can get any details about problem from that.


Hi I followed your instructions and the blue screen has the following info:


A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.


If this screen appears again, follow these steps:

Check to make sure hardware or software is properly installed.
If this a new installation, ask your manufacturer for any windows updates you might need.

If problem persists, disable or remove any recently insalled hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching and shadowing. If you need to use safemode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press f8 to select advanced startup options, and then select safe mode.

Technical information:
### STOP: 0x000000FE (0x00000008,0x00000006,0x00000005,0x850FB248)


As I mentioned, we keep getting a box in corner popping up saying usb port not recognised, and bear in mind that nothing has been downloaded, attatched to the usb, and no programmes installed (basically, it is as new)

So considering this is the second vaio in 6 weeks with both the same problems, does the above message indicate somthing serious, or is there a simple solution?


Hi Jo,

It sounds complicated. If it is something like a dodgy device driver or a motherboard BIOS issue we are into difficult ground. I think I am going to have to escalate this one to Sony - particularly as it has happened on more than one machine.

Do you have anything connected to a USB Port even if it is not switched on? My only guess is that this is a USB Power problem.

How do you connect to the Internet? Not by a USB Modem by any chance? I have seen similar problems when trying to use an AOL BT Voyager USB Modem with Vista.



Hi and thanks for your reply,
no we are wifi so nothing is or has been connected to this pc's usb ports. We have only had it 7 days so I think I may be able to arrange a return again, but I am gutted because I really love it. :cry:


I have the same PC, and in my first week I had that problem but it hasnt happened since. Although I am extremely disappointed with the PC as it seems to be running very slow compared to my older PCV-W1 and now I have a problem with the remote control too.