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I have a VGN-Z21ZNx it has ON/OFF swith at the front of the laptop that slides OFF and ON, left to right respectively. When its ON the green light is on and when its OFF its off.
My operating system is vista. ive had it for around 2years or less. Basically the WIFI keeps disconnecting.
Details below:
Wireless Network Connection properties
Connecting using: Intel(R) WIFI Link 5100 AGN.
This connection uses the folowing items(All below are checkbox ticked)
Client for Microsoft Networks
QoS Packet Scheduler
file and printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
Internet Protocol version 6(TCP/IPv6) {Properties IP settings Auto}
Internet Protocol version 4(TCP/IPv4) {Properties IP settings Auto, DHCP enabled}
Link-layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver
Link-layer Topology Discovery Responder
Sharing = nothing ticked
Home network connection = private network connection.
Intel(R) WIFI Link 5100 AGN properties
Driver Provider Intel
Driver Darte 03/08/2011
Driver Version
Digital Signer microsoft windows hardware compatibility publisher
Driver Version is the latest driver downloaded from INTEL
Device Network adapters
Manufacturer Intel Corporation
Location PCI bus 6, device0, function 0
Power management all off as in No checkbox ticked
802.11n Channel Width for band 2.4 Value Auto
802.11n Channel Width for band 5.2 Value Auto
802.11n Mode Value Enabled
Ad Hoc Channel 802.11b/g Value 11
Ad Hoc QoS Mode Value WMM Disabled
Fat Channel Intolerant Value Disabled
Mixed Mode Protection Value CTS-to-self Enabled
Roaming Aggressivness Value 3. Medium
Transmit Power Value 5. Highest
Wireless Mode Value 6. 802.11a/b/g
What usually occurs is that when it loggs off ie the WIFI cuts off i no longer can find the wireless network connection. Therfore i cant restart the adapter.
Start - Control pannel - Device Manager - Network adapters
Although i do have these two
Intel(R)82567LM Gigabit Network Connection
GlobalTrotter Module HSxPA - Network conntection
VAIO Smart network.
Also i have noticed if i switch the WWAN off the Green light at the front of the LAPTOP disapears even though it is on the ON postion and i HAVE NOT touched the WLAN. When trying to switch the WLAN on it has no response obviously as the wireless network card is off indicated by no light. So frustrating, i have to either put the laptop in a low power state or restart AND switch the WWAN on first then it allows the WLAN to be activated SOMETIMES.
Can anyone help Please?
Has my network card become faulty, but how does it work if i have the WWAN activated for a good day??
Also i only have McAfee security as well as registry mechanic...
Hi - this sounds frustrating.
You are probably right that there is a hardware problem with the Intel WiFi Card or its wiring connections if it disappears from Device Manager. You should have 3 Network Adapters displaying in Device Manager:
1. Intel Gigabit - this is the Ethernet wired connection (LAN)
2. Intel PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN - this is your Wireless Adapter (WLAN)
3. Globetrotter HSPA - this is your 3G 'Everywair' SIM connection (WWAN)
You could try uninstalling and reinstalling the Vaio Smart Network from the Preinstalled Drivers for your model here and see if that helps: -
Is your router using Wireless G or Wireless N? If you are using G you could try turning off IPv6.
However, it does sound like a hardware fault to me that will require someone to look inside. Disassembly is not easy for the Z-Series but I have some instructions somewhere if you need them - I will need an email address.