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VGN-NS20J problem

VGN-NS20J problem

Hello, my laptop vgn-ns20j started to crash. Its not wery often, about once in a day and when it crashes is says "operation system not found". I beleive that my hdd soon going to die... I downloaded hdd regenerator to check for bad sectors, but when it scans about 30gb it says to chance sata ahci mode to ide mode wich can be done in bios. But the problem is, in my bios there is no advanced section so i cant it change :/. My bios version is

R1040Y3, wich, as i can see in the official site, are the newest version.

Edit: tried hd tune and there is the result and when i tried to scan errors, it startet to detect red sectors and many errors and then again appears black screen "operating system not found".

Message was edited by: Wytka111