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RM-X4S Compatibility

RM-X4S Compatibility

Hello all!


Please can you help with a query I have regarding the compatibly between two Sony in car entertainment products. I currently have an aging Sony CDX C4750 which has been a brilliant piece of kit for the 7 years I’ve owned it. Alongside the C4750 I use the RM-X4S rotary commander to control the unit.


I am now looking for a new Sony head unit to replace the C4750 but I am having difficulty in working out which of the new units are compatible with the RM-X4S. I have searched online and have found very little information on what the RM-X4S is compatible with, so I am hoping you are able to help me with this. I don’t need a definitive list of ALL models that I can use with the RM-X4S but the only criteria to note is the head unit must have a USB input either at the rear or at the front. A nice-to-have would be an AUX port and/or Bluetooth but this isn’t a deal breaker the important bit here is the USB (this is where all my music is stored)   


Please can someone help me solve this? Any help would be appreciated.


