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Why does the SRS-X5 cost more than the SRS_X55 speaker?


Why does the SRS-X5 cost more than the SRS_X55 speaker?

The SRS_X5 is older, and all the specifications are inferior to the X55, but it costs considerably more... Whereas the X55 is newer, better on paper, but costs less. Is there a reason? I am wondering which one to buy.


Thanks for any help.


I have know idea why the SRS-X5 is more expensive than the SRS-X55. As you have stated the X5 is an older model and is being replaced by the X55. I have just bought the X55 and it is amazing!!! Do yourself a favour and buy this speaker, trust me, you won't be disappointed :slight_smile:

Hope this helps?


I've owned the previous version the SRS x5 which was a good speaker with the battery lasting around 8 hours, this had a fault with the audio in not working so I replaced it with the SRS x55 which is supposedly meant to have a battery life of 10 hours. Well the first one I bought lasted 5 and a half hours, so i thought, this isn't right, took it back and replaced it and found the second one to be the same, maybe it was a faulty batch I thought but I'm now on my forth replacement from 3 seperate sources of this speaker and every one has never lasted more than six hours until the battery dies and I primary listen to audio books! 

I do think that this is extremely poor; to bring out an iteration of a product and advertise it as having 10 hours battery life but it only lasting 6 max - worse than the previous version!

I more surprised than anything as my experience with Sony products has previously been so good, hence why I replaced it so many times. I'm really hoping that if someone at Sony reads this they can contact me to explain why this product does not perform to supposed specifications, I use this product while working as a HGV night trunker and it is extremely annoying not only for it to run out but to also then find that the car charger I had previously bought won't fit the X55 because Sony have slightly changed the size of the female AC in socket, I mean why?


An unhappy customer.


hello there

does the SRS_X5 have an in car charger if so where cani get one in the uk 

thanks nikki


The SRS X5 you can buy one from a third party seller on eBay though you have to import it from the US, it's such shame that one won't fit the X55 because of Sony changing the design of the AC 'in' socket for no apparent reason! 


that's not good i don't like buying from US the postage is extreme.Iv got the speaker for my camper.