
KDL-46W905A Home button not responding.

To whoever is reading...


Went to watch a video on YouTube at the weekend and realised the Home button no longer brings up the Home menu, on either remote, but the TV clearly shows the remotes are working as the led flashes to indicate activity. The option button also doesn't bring up the options menu, but again registers the button being pressed and a factory reset doesn't resolve the issue. I can get to the Home menu by pressing SEN, then Home.


Essentialy all I'd like to know is...


1. Am I the only KDL-46W905A user with this issue? &

2. When (roughly) a new firmware update can be expected that will probably resolve this issue now it's been highlighted?


The result of the Phone call is that an engineer is to be sent out and no doubt they will probably just confirm what I've already said, it's firmware related. I was without my last Bravia for a few month after contacting support so unless this TV also melts I would prefer to wait for a FW update (which should now be getting looked in to) than send it off.

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