
HT-CT380 - Problems with using ARC ?



Having just bought a new Blu Ray Player & Soundbar I'm experiencing problems when connecting both pieces of new equipment to my Sony TV. Should anyone be able to assist I'd be most grateful. I'm setting up the following ...


Sony Bravia TV 42W805A

Sony Blu-Ray Player BDP-S7200

Sony Sound Bar HT-CT380


The manual tells me to link HDMI Out on Sound Bar to ARC Input on TV then run my Blu Ray & Sky Box via the Sound Bar using HDMI Out on both devices & into Sound Bar HDMI Slots, effectively using up all 3 HDMI slots on Sound Bar yet only the one on TV. All HDMI cables are relatively new & good quality however when setting up the system like this the picture quality via both Sky & Blu Ray Player are oddly over-saturated, bright & blocky.

Due to the above, I've now simply run the Blu Ray & Sky into my tv but whilst picture quality is fantastic using both, am I getting full benefit of the Sound Bar ... I'm thinking not ?


I did have a decent Sony 3D Blu Ray Player & Sound Bar prior to the new purchases & oddly enough the Blu Ray picture quality was always similar to the one I was experiencing using the original connection as detailed above.


Am I missing something as right now I've spent a decent amount on 3 pieces of equipment that all have excellent user reviews but can't help feeling somewhat dissatisfied despite all being Sony products that should be "talking" to each other ?



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