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Random Android 7 TV reboots

I see a fair few old threads talking about random reboots back to the Android Logo, but none of them appear to have any resolution from Sony, just exasperated users complaining that nothing gets done about it.


It usually happens to me ( KD-65XE9005 ) when turning the TV on from cold, both when starting via the ARC channel via our Humax PVR box, but also when playing about with the Home screen/Youtube/TV apps etc . I'm connecting via a good wifi signal ( 60mbps ) for internet based apps and a signal booster between the aerial socket and the TV.


I've tried changing the HDMI cable to my Humax PVR and also disconnecting the PVR from the ARC HDMI and using HDMI 2 instead, and also completely disconnecting the PVR, but it still reboots even then.


Sony replaced my motherboard under warranty, in order to resolve the issue, in November 18 and it seemed to be ok since then, but lately its doing it all the time ( 8 times on Tuesday while navigating between Youtube, Sky News App and Amazon).


I've done the usual soft reset and recent factory resets ( lost all my apps ! ) a number of times but that doesnt help. Customer Support suggest that the repair people need to come out again, but if a motherboard change doesnt solve it, I cant see what good that would do.


Is there really nothing that can be done about this ? ( Software is up to date, but my Oreo update is not yet available, even though an Android 8 web guide has now appeared on my home screen showing what changes will come with it )



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