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So I am getting these purple/blue blotches around the screen...

I am losing my patience with Sony.


I bought my 4K TV back in late 2016 from Argos, as I usually switch TV's every 10 years. I previously had another Sony set and it lasted me for almost years so I thought I would give them a try. 

Now, a year after buying my family TV (late 2017) the TV started showing signs of small black clouding patches. I contacted Sony, and seeing as I was within my warranty period, my local repair guys  (Sony approved) offered to replace the TV. They sent the guy around to install my new TV and took away the faulty one. I remember the repair guy saying 'we are getting lots of these problems/complaints from people about these blotches'. He installed the TV and went on his merry way. I was very happy since the problem had gone and I could now enjoy content with my family as we love watching films/documentaries. My oldest son plays video games so he was also very ecstatic. 

However, fast forward to early 2019, and suddenly I am having these purple blotches start to appear in the left side of the screen. They weren't so bad to begin with but a couple of weeks later, these blotches were starting to spread everywhere. I contacted Sony and they asked me to contact my local repair people. This time I am out of luck as surprise, surprise, I am out of warranty. They asked me to contact Argos directly which I did, and was told that for them to be able to reimburse or replace the TV, I would have to get a a report. This was the email:


As mentioned before if Argos require a full report which they will submit in reference to our company we would need our engineers to physically inspect the unit for a report to be provided to which there are non-refundable charges. The photos look like it could be but I wouldn’t be able to give you a report on headed paper without our engineers having physically checked it.

Many Thanks

Niki Forrest


I was told this would cost me around £120 as they are based in Oxford but I live in Reading so it meant dispatching a person to come to inspect it. Now, I am not rich nor very poor but I have two young children. I suffer from Lupus so I am constant agony, and all I wanted was a TV that works. The blotches have worsened to the point where I can no longer enjoy content as half of the screen is blue and the other half is starting to develop blotches. I cannot afford to waste £120.00 down the drain for them to end up telling me its not a manufacturing fault so I am at a loss. I cannot afford another TV.

I am appealing to Sony to help me here somehow as I am at my wits end. I have done nothing but care for this TV cleaning as I was supposed to. I always had faith in Sony products and I am hopeful something can be done. Many other people, even non-Sony TV owners have started complaining of these purple/blue blotches appearing randomly so I cannot accept that its a minor issue. This is a major issue and there are many threads all over the internet with people not quite believing they only bought their TV a couple of years ago for this. I do not think this is a coincedence and am going to contact every consumer watch dog out there in the UK to tell them of this issue.

The fact that an ill man with children has to put up with this issue and everybody turning me down makes me feel sad that I once trusted this company. The least Sony can do is give us all documentation to take to where we bought our TV's from in order to get a replacement. Please help me :disappointed:

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