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Oreo 6.6510 Firmware ruined the Android UI brightness

Previously i was on the 6.5830, and the TV is KD-55XF9005B. With that OS update the brightness in the Android apps was homogeneous (at Max brightness)


With 6.6510, at 100% brightness the Android UI is significantly dimmer, but when you watch a video, like youtube or twitch, the video footage is bright and flawless.


For example: The top image is a screenshot from my app. The text (android ui element) and the underlaying video at those points should be 100% white, same is true with the buttons or chat text. Those are 100% white.

They were equally bright on 6.5830, but since 6.6510 something changed.



The image below is a an underexposed photo, but you can clearly see that, the video element is significantly brighter then the android UI element. Before you complain about the photo quality, i can take 50 photos, but there won't be a single one where those two white points will be the same.


How can i fix this? Because something is clearly broken here. The same color shoud look the same wherever is on the TV screen, but it's clearly not.


And no, nothing wrong with my eyes, because many others are experiencing the same thing:








In my testing the Brightness sort of affects the overall image brightness: so both Android Overlay and Video playback is affected. BUT, Contrast DOESN'T affects the android UI no matter what is the setting. Min contrast looks the same as Max contrast on the Android UI, but i will affect the video playback as expected.


With this UI brightness (at Max) you can barely see the Android UI in a bright room. This is unacceptable!


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