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KD-55XE8505 randomly turns on for a 10-15 seconds ant the turns off

Hey guys, I really hope you can help me, as technical support and other manipulation that can be found on internet didn’t helped me at all.

So the problem almost as it mentioned on the topic name: my KD 55XE8505 keeps randomly turning on, the Android loading screen pops with animation and after like 10 - 15 seconds it's turns off as it wasn't even there. If I try to turn on TV right after this thing with remote (or in few hours), it will start from that point where it was before it was turned off manually. For example I was watching Youtube, I turned off TV, in few hours or sometimes even after 20min TV randomly turns on, goes loading animation and turns off, right after I’m turning on TV and get opened Youtube on the last tab that it was opened before.

What I have already tried:

  • Updated to latest firmware Oreo 8 FW v6.6520
  • I have made few factory resets as this thing started like 5 or 6 months ago, I think right after the update from Android 7 to 8
  • https://services.sony.co.uk/supportmvc/en/content/triage/sel/reboot-symptoms/5-1?SI=jqyaehjb1scur24d... – this one not helps
  • I have tried to unplugging all HDMI devices (I’m using only two of them: PS4 and Satellite TV receiver)
  • I’m using few side apps, I tried deleting them, moving to USB disk – result the same.
  • Force closing apps before turning off tv

Well this sounds strange and in somehow funny, but when your TV turns on in the middle of the night with loud “CLICK” sound and then just turns off as it was ok – not normal situation 😊 Maybe some one had a same issue and knows the reason?

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